佛山市科凡家居用品有限公司,成立于2006年,总部位于中国富有影响力的工业设计示范基地--广东工业设计城,是一家集家居研发、设计、智造、服务为一体的全屋定制解决方案服务商。 \m/xV/ &__DJ''+ 科凡品牌的创立源于三代人的朴素设计梦想。2009年,企业正式入驻国内富有影响力的工业设计示范基地--广东工业设计城。2011年,科凡被政府评定为重点扶持星光企业及家居服务开放平台,成为传统产业转型智慧工厂产学研孵化基地。秉承着设计创新精神,品牌在设计方面屡获大奖,2016年获得德国IF设计大奖,连续三次荣获德国红点设计大奖,并得到德国红点设计奖主席彼得•扎克先生肯定,出任品牌形象大使,共推中国家居好设计。 =mt?Cn} P-Su5F Yx)o:#2 科凡坚持设计报国为战略,以设计创新为驱动、科技定制为手段,运用云技术实现C2B大规模定制,全力打造“大设计+智慧产业链”的独特商业模式,推动企业实现N2C新零售升级,并最终走向智慧家居营运商。企业倡导“less is more ”的核心价值理念,崇尚简单乐活的生活态度,引领简饰轻奢、不繁不凡的家居风格,坚持"方正平和"的企业经营之道,用感恩之心担当绿色家居环保重任,始终坚守设计梦想,为定制家居大众化而努力,为家具智造国际化而奋斗 Kefan Home Decor Co.,LTD was founded in 2006 in Beijiao, shunde district, foshan city, guangdong province, next to Midea Group——one of the 500 fortune companies in the world. In 2009, Kefan’s brand operation headquarter moved to Guangdong Industry Design Center, On December of 2012, Xi Jinping(the new chairman of PRC) visited Kefan Company on his first “southern tour”. Kefan company has German CNC processing systems and Automatic paint spray systems which combine with its own research control systems. In 2011,Kefan company has been chosen as one of the key enterprises supported by government and household service open platform. From that time, Kefan had turned. Z(Q2Ue;}& (#Mp 5C'X K"{HseN{ 4j'd3WGpbN }e{qW [ 此帖被科凡定制在2019-05-07 17:12重新编辑 ]